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Energy Tuning Visualizer

Search Complexity Level: 1


1. The visualizer shows the effect on the execution time and energy consumption of the selected application when changing the frequency of the processor, where the application runs.

2. A lower frequency implies less energy per second. Since the execution time might be longer, the total energy consumption might nevertheless be higher than with a higher frequency.

2a. The increase in execution time will be smaller, if the application is less complex, i.e., it performs fewer calculations per pixel. This is because the application mainly waits for memory accesses.

2b. Applications that perform more operations per pixel (higher complexity) will be significantly delayed.


1. Select level of complexity for finding the left detail in the right picture via the slider. You can hover over the full picture to see an enlarged version of the picture taken at one of the partner sites.

2. Run the visualization by clicking on the GO button.

3. Observe how the execution progresses and the energy is accumulated.

4. Hover over the bars to see the consumed time and energy.


Select complexity and press GO to see results.

Time Taken

Energy Consumed

1.2 GHz
1.6 GHz
2.0 GHz
2.3 GHz
2.7 GHz